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Amazonite Tower with Smoky Quartz 2-2.5"

Amazonite Tower with Smoky Quartz 2-2.5"


Product description

Amazonite is a stone that works with the Heart and Throat chakras. Benefits of this stone include:

* Stimulating honest and open expressions and communication

* Aid those who are overly concerned with the opinions of others

* Decrease in repression of feelings and thoughts

* Helps with setting appropriate boundaries

* Helps with Relieving gout pain and osteoarthritis

Smoky Quartz is associated the Root and Crown chakras. Benefits of this stone include 

*Very protective & grounding

*Transmutes negative energy to positive energy quickly

*Brings abundance & prosperity easily

*Aids in elevating moods to overcome negative emotions

*Encourages inner strength & stamina to get the job done

*Extremely detoxifying for the entire body

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